To invest in life settlements, you need to meet certain criteria, such as being an accredited or qualified investor, having a minimum investment amount. There are different ways to invest in life settlements, such as:
- Direct purchases of life insurance policies: Buy life insurance policies directly from sellers to become the sole owner and beneficiary. Pay future premiums and collect death benefits. You may gain high potential returns, but with upfront costs, risk exposure and illiquidity.
- Indirect purchases of life insurance policies: Buy shares or units of a fund or a trust that invests in life insurance policies. Pay management fees and expenses and receive periodic distributions. You may gain diversification and liquidity, but with lower returns and less control.
- Fractional purchases of life insurance policies: Buy a portion of a life insurance policy from a life settlement provider or broker. Share the premium payments and the death benefits with other investors. You may gain access and affordability, but with complexity and uncertainty.